Tuesday, 4 November 2008


Sooooo November roles around; fast and cold.

What have i accomplished since Charlie left i ask myself?

God and His Kingdom is nearer to me than ever, although in some ways i have strayed further than before...my heart has more purity, my head more wisdom and my will more abandoned to His. You see its all about Him. God is love, life and greatness. Charlie represents that to me but he is a mere shadow.......

In the world: The American presidency is being decided as i write-i hope it to be Obama, but more than that i hope for our Father to reign in that place through whoever leads them and the rest of the world.

I love age and the aged, help me to have compassion mirroring yours towards them Jesus....

Finally "By my God i can run against a troop, by My God i can leap over a wall."