Monday, 29 August 2011

An Adulteress Faces the Light of the World

I'm caught in a lover's embrace,
My delight soon becomes my shame,
Taken out from comfort and warmth,
Naked in both flesh and spirit.

Men I expect to be kind,
Who instead trample my trust,
They shove me and scold me,
On a journey to I know not where.

Under my feet come temple stones,
About my face accusing eyes stare.
Words are uttered to a man of power,
Gripped by fear-my fate laid out.

But no not death, only writings in the sand,
A pardon received, a challenge comes too,
Hundreds of people are leaving the room,
'Til alone I stand, I'm seen by Him.

When questions are asked I mumble response,
His words when spoken, tell of love,
My joy unbridled, I've been set free
I'll sin no more as I go from here.

Grace poured out and lavished too,
My life I will now live anew,
Oh Jesus, sweet Saviour,
I'll try to follow You.

For my dear friend.

As a girl all she needed was loving care,
All that she wanted was not there,
What she got instead were trivial things,
A car, some money, even a diamond ring.
She grew up surrounded, yet lonely still,
Bullied and broken, her confidence killed.
She ran away in the night, where to stay?
Safety and comfort in the church 'til day,
She grew as a woman always looking to love,
Even in hardship turning to Father above.
Others were blessed, even through her pain,
She learned how to smile and dance in the rain.
But inside her still the darkness gnawed,
Try as she might she felt helpless, flawed.
She struggled and toiled, needing to rest,
Always trying hard, always giving her best.
God broke into her life, told her her worth,
"You'll laugh at days to come and be filled with mirth.
Child your life it isn't a mess,
My darling, my daughter who I long to bless,
I love you my beauty beyond any measure,
Your heart is my prize, I treat it as treasure.
I know how you've suffered, been broken, worn down,
But precious, I'm building you a glorious crown.
I'll pursue you my dear, all the days of your life,
I have your plans, I'll keep you from strife.
Trust in Me love, hear what I say,
You have a fresh start, it is a new day.
Your future has hope, joy and meaning,
I'll shelter you well, you'll come out gleaming.
You'll lead lost ones to me, carry my cross,
Your life is a victory, despite all your loss.
I'm here with you now, as I always will be,
Now keep your eyes on Me, great things you will see."

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Stand firm then, submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee.

I will contend, I will contend.
I will stand firm on His holy name,
In Jesus I trust, my hope will remain.
It is not over, all is not lost,
Lord I'll pursue you no matter the cost.
I will contend, I will contend.
Away with my sluggishness, go too my apathy,
Consume now O' God I want fire all over me.
I'm here in the gap, I'm standing firm too,
Please take this life, I submit only to You.
I will contend, I will contend.
Saviour, Your victory killed Satan's cause,
Now the kingdom of darkness it crumbles, it falls.
It is finished You cried, help us to see.
Now please come Holy Spirit, set people free.
I will contend.

Sunday, 7 August 2011


"Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on; you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make any sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of - throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were being made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it Himself."

C.S Lewis - Mere Christianity

Saturday, 6 August 2011

My Giant.

It creeps up on me so suddenly
And then it's at my throat.
It overcomes my every sense
And then my hope is lost.
It fills my mouth with all kinds of hate
And then I cannot be stopped.
It makes my hands fists of rage
And then my knuckles bleed red.
It leaves as though it were not here
And then my shame is fierce.
It will soon be gone forever though
And then I'll stand set free.

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Near and Far

I love you with the fire of a thousand candles,
with the strength of ten thousand men.

I love you with the might of an ocean,
with the power of an angry wind.

I love you with five hundred colours,
with the beauty of creation's song.

I love you when we're on our sofa,
doing nothing for all the day long.