Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Tiny thing.

I'm trying so hard right now to wrap my head around what it means and ultimately how it shapes me to know my worth in Christ. To know that the me that I say I am is probably a lie and yet I am convinced that it is truth. I have allowed the world to develop me in such a way that I am now defined by it. This is such foolishness, I cannot even believe it....Our beautiful beautiful word is so rammed full of affirmation and Heavenly love. I'm sure that Jesus is just longing for His people to realise their true identity in Him and to experience the freedom that that knowledge brings. I feel with this like a very small girl embarking on a very long journey. It is a necessary undertaking though, and one which will lead me deeper into the Father's heart and enable me release others into His embrace without holding anything back. This poem reflects the words spoken as I take the beginning steps along this path of glory......

A little fledgling tree
Is the only me I see
The only way I am
Is a breaking, broken sham
I don't have what it takes
I'm a fraud, I'm a fake
But through Jesus I'll become
A free and chosen one.