How can I make sense of these swirling crashing seas?
A thousand voices in my head but which one of them is me?
I am lost and found and abandoned all at once,
I am choice, I am hope, I am reason that abounds.
I'm that little boy who started strong but became a broken man,
I am freedom that is found when I shake off who they say I am.
The prison of my mind becomes a palace once again,
Far flung rooms locked in pain become open doors that release my shame.
To see the face of truth is found in sweeping ashes,
My mind and heart's one desire far above all others.
The raging thoughts more powerful than most everything I see,
But even those are mastered by compassion that runs deep.
The destination is unclear, the future not quite in hand,
Of only this I am certain, the quest to be a better man.
In all of my wanderings and my undecided plans,
I want to know that I am KNOWN and fully loved here, as I am.