Monday, 16 July 2018

Go Well

She forgave him and it liberated her,
Praying that somehow, on the winds
His spirit would know it was well with hers
And his sighs of sorrow
Would become breaths of peace
Until his body no longer required them.

Sunday, 15 July 2018

Warring fingers.

How do I give his soul wings
And be his breath to fly
When the hands that built 
The bow
Also made the arrow.

Some of Her Stories.

She had walked too many miles
before she realised 
no amount
of steps
would ever make him
love her.

Are you happy here?
No,  I can still hear them.
He might have perceived their 
but he could never 
have discerned 
the sounds
their spirits
from within those 
office walls.

How do these numbers piece together?
What do these letters mean?
The only answer I know is love me,
her heart silently replied.

Tuesday, 3 July 2018


The way your fragile body folded itself into mine was both a comfort and a knife.

The greyness of my heart and the dense deep descending over me was established in the overwhelming grayness of my existence.

You gave me hope and life and then you slowly took away every last thing one painful moment at a time.

We found each other, in the presence of clarity when I bled and realised, you were bleeding too.

Drowning in Dissonance.

To create is to live, to liberate. To not do so is the end. It is apathy, unfeeling bones encased in tomb like skin, my pulse no longer palpable.