Monday, 11 July 2011

Pride comes before a church hall?

So yesterday at church we had this Illuminate day which was to celebrate God's creativity being outworked in His people and it was truly lovely. The church had several flower displays which were beautiful, and many people contributed art and poetry-all of which were astounding.

I wrote a poem about six months ago which Tom heard and felt it could be a song for our church. He and Charlie crafted my words (and added some others) into a little ditty which I very much enjoyed. I was humbled that my thoughts could be taken and formed into something which could bless other people. Sooooooo I learnt that this song was to be played in church as part of the creative day, I was assured of my anonymity. Of course Russell D informed the congregation exactly who wrote the song which I suddenly felt very shy about.

I knew when I wrote it that what I was expressing were desires that my heart and surely every other Christian heart should want to experience, but I never imagined that vulnerable words I had penned, would be so starkly laid out for people to critique, judge or ruminate over. I prayed: "Father I wrote this for you, so I give it to you, I don't hold onto any comments about it-good or bad, it reflects my heart and God I pray other people would somehow use it to be drawn into deeper love for you, anything creative in my being comes from you-the Father of Heavenly lights so I use it now to worship."

I learnt yesterday to let go of my pride and tried to discover too what it means to be truly humble. They played the song twice just to really ram home the message to me. Tom and Charlie-thank you for bringing the words to life and for singing them so beautifully, for having confidence in your giftings and for being lovely men.

I have so many more irrational emotions on this subject but I'll not bore you with them now, here is the original poem and my heart.

Let my love for You be constant
Let my love for You be true
Let me put no other before You
Let me only want to worship.
Let my life reflect Your glory
Let my heart rejoice with praise
Let me give You all the honour
Let me love Your Holy name.
Let Your presence be my fragrance
Let my clothing be Your grace
Let me please You dearest Father
Let me long to spread Your fame.
Let me live a life of victory
Let me love creation's song
Let me lead many others to You
Let me fight 'til the battles' won.
Let me run this race with vigour
Let me see it to the end
Let me always want to serve You
Let me see You as my friend.

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