This upside down Kingdom has saved me and changed me. That moment in 2002 when I finally acknowledged Jesus as my Saviour was truly the best day I have ever known and since then it has been a truly magnificent journey. Wow, thank you Lord that Your grace is more than sufficient for me, but FLIPPING HECK, it doesn't end there. The cross and it's power, the victory it represents means that for me and for you and for all of humanity LOVE WINS every day. When we think we have God and His ways all wrapped up and understood we are making a grave mistake, for this KING of ours is surprising, and He loves surprising His most beloved children with gifts that make our greatest ever birthday presents look like ash. Guys, let me tell you again that He loves you. How can that be old news for us? Helllloooooooo I mean, come on. The MAKER of the Universe is JEALOUS for us......Tiny little me. That astonishes me and I want to remember and keep remembering that this truth means that He is in pursuit of us, all the time, that His heart aches for us, longs for us, yearns for us. If we translate this into a way we can understand; think of how you feel when you fall in love-your heart feels stretched and changed, drawn to another in ways deeper than we can measure. True love costs us. The truest love cost Him, in His most precious Son, and it is the depth and richness of this adoration He feels for us that is accessible to us EVERY DAY. He actually longs for us to experience the truth of that constantly. So let us stop feeling guilty, broken and ashamed and let us start realising that however CRAZY it might seem to our silly little minds He wants us to experience lavish love in all its loveliness He wants us to enjoy Him, and not only that but to revel in the freedom that Christ brings. Jesus did not say " I have come that they may have life and have it to the full" because He wanted to trick us, He said it because He meant it. So come on, lets go, let us receive Him anew and run with Him, spreading His freedom and His message of salvation to those who desperately need it. Oh and by the way that means to everyone.
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