Monday, 16 May 2011

Wild at Heart?

I am currently reading the book with the same title as this blog by John Eldredge, I read his wife's counterpart book "Captivating" several years ago and did find it helpful which in some ways made me cross. I like to think of myself as being different from everyone else, unique even, and for a book written for the masses to speak directly to my heart was irritating. But great. Humbling. I am such an idiot!

I have only read the first chapter of this writing and so far it has very much set the scene for the typical man to have a heart that lives for adventure. It implies that within all men there is a thirst for passion, creativity and wildness. He writes that we can see this by the ways young boys spend their time-fighting, ambushing, attacking, and playing Cowboys and Indians. He also discusses men and their love for action films...(Die Hard 17 anyone?) An interesting point he raises is that all Christian men are simply nice. He then states that he believes most Christian men to be   b  o  r  e  d.

I don't necessarily disagree with the things mentioned thus far but I do have some queries; What about the little boy who likes to read books, who likes to remain quiet, who plays instruments, who hates the outdoors? Will he grow up to be less of a man if he continues to enjoy these pursuits? Will he one day read "Wild at Heart" and feel insignificant?
Maybe this book will go on to outline more of balance, that it will explore the potential complexities of character differences. I hope so.

For my man, and his heart the wilderness within comes from a fiercely alive relationship with God. He is calm and gentle, quiet and introverted but weak? NO. For he has passion and strength in unsearchable amounts, qualities gained from a lifetime of reliance on our awesome Father. Does he like Rocky? Sure. Does he enjoy getting dirty, camping, racing, sports, exploring? Yes. Does this define his manly heart? For me Charlie is stronger than I could have ever imagined. He leans so heavily on God, and so is able to do "all things through Christ who strengthens him."

And that, that is what defines a man's heart for me, and how then can the Christian man feel bored, how can a life spent worshipping Jesus in all His might and splendour be anything other than glorious? Surely the way for a man to discover his soul is to spend time with the One who created it?

Maybe Mr Eldredge will go on to say all that I have in a much more articulate manner, I look forward to finding out, I'll keep you posted!

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